So you have finished your model and want to save it, its textures and it's animations, simply follow the steps below for each asset.
Exporting the geo.json
- Open
and then selectExport
and chooseExport Azurelib .geo Model
Heads up!
This file MUST be saved in the geo folder
Heads up!
You can save these files into sub folders of the geo folder to help organize your assets.
- Entities:
- Block Entities:
- Items:
- Armor:
- Now save this file to your projects geo assets folder (Example:
Exporting the Item Display Settings
If your model is one that will be used an item or reused as an Item, you will want to export your Item Display Settings file then.
Heads up!
This file MUST be saved as the same as items resource name, so if it's called yourmodid:superitem in game, it must be saved as superitem.json
in your /assets/modid/models/item/
Heads up!
There is currently a bug in the plugin which exports the displays with an offset applied, please use useNewOffset(true) in your AzItemRendererConfig builder to fix this.
- Open
and then selectExport
and chooseExport Azurelib Display Settings
Exporting the texture
Heads up!
You can save these files into sub folders of the textures folder to help organize your assets.
- Entities:
- Block Entities:
- Items:
- Armor:
- Right-click the texture in the Textures panel and choose
Save As
Exporting the Animation JSON
to open the Animation screen -
Now open the
menu in the top left corner. -
Export Animations...
Heads up!
This file MUST be saved in the animations folder
Heads up!
You can save these files into sub folders of the animations folder to help organize your assets.
- Entities:
- Block Entities:
- Items:
- Armor:
- Click confirm to save your JSON file to your projects animations assets folder (Example: