
AzRendererConfigs 101

Everything You Need to Know About AzRendererConfigs

The AzRendererConfig and its specialized subclasses (AzArmorRendererConfig, AzBlockEntityRendererConfig, AzEntityRendererConfig, and AzItemRendererConfig) are part of the AzureLib rendering pipeline.

Below, you will find an overview of each class, their purposes, and fully configured real-world usage examples.


The base AzRendererConfig class serves as the foundation for all rendering configuration subclasses. Its features include:

  • Model and texture locations: Specify geo model and texture paths.
  • Animation support: Integrate animations using AzAnimator.
  • Scaling options: Customize object scaling during rendering.
  • Render layers: Add extra effects onto the rendering process.
  • Pre- and post-render hooks: Perform operations at different stages of rendering.
  • Customizable RenderType: Fine-tune rendering styles like cutouts, translucency, and more.


The AzArmorRendererConfig is explicitly designed for rendering animated armor models. It provides options such as:

  • Bone providers: A custom provider for managing custom bone structures


Here’s an example of setting up an armor renderer with full configuration options:

public class ExampleArmorRenderer extends AzArmorRenderer {
private static final ResourceLocation MODEL = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "geo/armor/examplearmor.geo.json"
private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "textures/armor/examplearmor.png"
public ExampleArmorRenderer() {
AzArmorRendererConfig.builder(MODEL, TEXTURE)
.setAnimatorProvider(CustomArmorAnimator::new) // Custom animations
.setBoneProvider(new CustomArmorBoneProvider()) // Bone provider for skeleton animations
.setRenderType(RenderType.entityTranslucent(TEXTURE)) // Translucent rendering
.setPrerenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Pre-render hook
.setPostRenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Post-render hook
setScale(1.0F, 1.0F) // Scaling


The AzBlockEntityRendererConfig specializes in rendering block entities.


Here’s an example of setting up a block entity renderer with full configuration options:

public class ExampleBERenderer extends AzBlockEntityRenderer<ExampleBE> {
private static final ResourceLocation MODEL = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "geo/block/examplebe.geo.json"
private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "textures/block/examplebe.png"
public ExampleBERenderer() {
AzBlockEntityRendererConfig.<ExampleBE>builder(MODEL, TEXTURE)
.setAnimatorProvider(ExampleBEAnimator::new) // Custom animator
.addRenderLayer(new CustomBlockRenderLayer()) // Add render layers
.setPrerenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Pre-render hook
.setPostRenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Post-render hook
.setScale(1.0F, 1.0F) // Scaling

This configuration adds scaling, render layers, hooks for pre- and post-rendering, and full animation support.


The AzEntityRendererConfig supports rendering entities with death-specific behaviors such as rotation when the entity dies.


Here’s an example of setting up an entity renderer with full configuration options:

public class ExampleEntityRenderer extends AzEntityRenderer<ExampleEntity> {
private static final ResourceLocation MODEL = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "geo/entity/exampleentity.geo.json"
private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "textures/entity/exampleentity.png"
public ExampleEntityRenderer() {
AzEntityRendererConfig.<ExampleEntity>builder(MODEL, TEXTURE)
.setAnimatorProvider(ExampleEntityAnimator::new) // Custom animator
.setDeathMaxRotation(180F) // Custom death rotation
.addRenderLayer(new CustomEntityRenderLayer()) // Add render layers
.setPrerenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Pre-render hook
.setPostRenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Post-render hook
.setScale(0.8F, 0.8F) // Scaling options

This implementation allows you to define rotations, animations, and layers for the entity.


The AzItemRendererConfig is tailored for rendering items.

It extends the flexibility of AzRendererConfig by adding options for item-specific behaviors, such as GUI lighting and offset adjustments.


Here’s an example of setting up an item renderer with full configuration options:

public class ExampleItemRenderer extends AzItemRenderer {
private static final ResourceLocation MODEL = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "geo/item/exampleitem.geo.json"
private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "textures/item/exampleitem.png"
public ExampleItemRenderer() {
AzItemRendererConfig.builder(MODEL, TEXTURE)
.setAnimatorProvider(ExampleItemAnimator::new) // Custom animator
.useEntityGuiLighting() // Enable GUI lighting
.useNewOffset(true) // Use new offset for BlockBench 4.11+
.addRenderLayer(new CustomItemRenderLayer()) // Add render layers
.setPrerenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Pre-render hook
.setPostRenderEntry(context -> {
// Insert code you want to run here
return context;
}) // Post-render hook
.setScale(1.0F, 1.0F) // Scaling options

This setup provides GUI lighting support, offset handling, and numerous customization options for item rendering.