
Creating Static (No Animations) Armor

How to create static (No Animations) Armor

Creating your Renderer

This is where you will now register the ResourceLocation model and texture of your armor.

public class ExampleArmorRenderer extends AzArmorRenderer {
private static final ResourceLocation GEO = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
private static final ResourceLocation TEX = ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
public ExampleArmorRenderer() {
super(AzArmorRendererConfig.builder(GEO, TEX).build());

How to change things in the render early.

If you wish to change things before the model is rendered, such as how the creeper does the glow and swell, you will want to use preRender from the RendererPipeline.

Here is an example how to access this in your Renderer class

protected AzArmorRendererPipeline createPipeline(AzRendererConfig config) {
return new AzArmorRendererPipeline(config, this){
public void preRender(AzRendererPipelineContext<ItemStack> context, boolean isReRender) {
super.preRender(context, isReRender);
var swellFactor = context.animatable().getSwelling(context.partialTick());
var swellMod = 1 + Mth.sin(swellFactor * 100f) * swellFactor * 0.01f;
swellFactor = (float)Math.pow(Mth.clamp(swellFactor, 0f, 1f), 3);
var horizontalSwell = (1 + swellFactor * 0.4f) * swellMod;
var verticalSwell = (1 + swellFactor * 0.1f) / swellMod;
getSwellOverlay(context.animatable(), context.partialTick())),
OverlayTexture.v(context.animatable().hurtTime > 0 || context.animatable().deathTime > 0)));
context.poseStack().scale(horizontalSwell, verticalSwell, horizontalSwell);
protected float getSwellOverlay(ItemStack animatable, float partialTick) {
var swell = animatable.getSwelling(partialTick);
return (int) (swell * 10.0F) % 2 == 0 ? 0.0F : Mth.clamp(swell, 0.5F, 1.0F);

Registering your Renderer

Now simply call the AzArmorRendererRegistry#register() in your onInitializeClient for Fabric and FMLClientSetupEvent for Neoforge/Forge

AzArmorRendererRegistry.register(ExampleArmorRenderer::new, YourItemRegistry.YOUR_ARMOR_HELMET,