
Using the Config API

Configuration Annotations Guide

This various annotations that can be used to customize configuration values within your mod, focusing on applying constraints, cosmetic properties, and advanced behaviors.


Adds a description to a configurable value. This description will be visible on hover in GUIs or in the configuration file (if the file format supports comments).

Usage Example:

@Comment("This value controls whether vanilla mechanics are used.")
public boolean useVanillaMechanics = true;


Synchronizes the value between client and server when a client joins the server. Note that the client’s config file is not rewritten, and the original values will be recovered upon leaving the server.

Usage Example:

public boolean syncFeatureToggle = true;


Specifies a numeric range for integer or long values and their corresponding arrays.

Usage Example:

@Range(min = 0, max = 100)
public int maxPlayers = 20;


Specifies a numeric range for floating-point or double values, also applied to arrays of those types.

Usage Example:

@DecimalRange(min = 0.0, max = 1.0)
public double spawnRate = 0.5;


Validates string values against a regular expression and optionally applies a default value for invalid inputs.

Usage Example:

@StringPattern(value = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", errorDescriptor = "String must be alphanumeric.")
public String username = "DefaultUser";


Locks an array's size to its default value.

Usage Example:

public int[] fixedArray = {1, 2, 3};


Links a configuration field to a custom method for validation or additional behaviors whenever the value changes.

Usage Example:

@ValueUpdateCallback(method = "onValueChange")
public int customRange = 10;
public void onValueChange(int value, IValidationHandler validationHandler) {
if (value < 0) {
validationHandler.invalidate("Value must be positive!");


Specifies a custom number format for floats and doubles in the GUI.

Usage Example:

public float roundedValue = 3.14f;


Adds a color preview for string values in the GUI.

Usage Example:

@Gui.ColorValue(isARGB = true)
public String colorCode = "#FFFFFF";


Sets a maximum character length for text fields in the configuration GUI.

Usage Example:

public String playerName = "DefaultName";