Ancient Obelisks

Ancient Obelisks

What are Obelisks?

Obelisks can be crafted and placed in your base. They allow you to visit the Obelisk Realm and challenge the arena-like trials.

Obelisk Maps

You can find obelisk maps inside any looted chest!

Obelisk maps specify the trial of the obelisk. Each map will show:

  • mob affixes, like: mobs have +20% health
  • wave count
  • mob difficulty, called obelisk tier

To start your trial and enter the obelisk, simply right click the obelisk block with the obelisk map

Obelisk Trials

The trials are held in a separate obelisk dimension, where you fight waves of mobs each with more and more mob affixes. At the end, reward chests will spawn, where you can find valuable items and Essences of the Ancients. These essences can be crafted into Orbs that can further increase the difficulty and rewards of the obelisk maps.

An obelisk block


An obelisk reward block, which spawns chests after the obelisk trial is finished


A Home teleport block, which teleports you to where you came from (right click it)
