Brazilian Delight

Coconut Palm Tree

Coconut Palm TreeCoconut Tree - CoconutsCoconuts

Can be found at:

  • Beach Biomes
  • Desert Biomes
  • Jungle Biomes
  • Mesa Biomes

Rarity: Low

Blocks: Jungle Log, Coconut Leaves


The leaves on the inside of the coconut tree are fertile Coconut Leaves, they cannot be obtained in survival. These leaves generate Green Coconut (block) from time to time.

The Green Coconut block ages (similar to the copper block) to the Coconut block, and the Coconut block will age to the Falling Coconut block (similar to sand) which has gravity and will fall from the tree, remaining placed on the ground. Coconut aging can be accelerated by using bone meal.

This way, Coconut becomes a renewable resource without the need to break down trees.


Coconut Tree Sapling