




Gigeresque is a horror-themed mod that offers players a dive into the horrific biomechanical world of the xenomorphs, and the mutated realms of the neomorphs, deacons, and goo mutants. As you explore the world, you may find buried deep underground, black monolithic structures that contain life inside. However, this life was sealed up there for a good reason. Inside these dungeons, you may find strange, leathery egg-like capsules containing horrific facehuggers or potently mutagenic black goo and more. Unlike AvP, its spiritual predecessor, Gigeresque plays up the ancient alien horror aspect of the universe and uses a sort of "Pandora's Box" inspired modus operandi, in which the xenomorphs lie in wait, hidden away in structures, waiting for foolish adventures to release them, rather than spawning on the surface like zombies. In addition, this mod focuses more on the original Alien from 1979 as well as Prometheus from 2012, meaning there are no queens, hiveminds, or general cannon-fodder hissing shrieking bugs that jump in the way of guns for seemingly no reason, and instead, aims to depict the Perfect Organism in all its glory.