Truly Modular: Modular Item API

Truly Modular: Modular Item API



JsonMaterials is a file format used to define materials within the mod. They can be found/added in mod-id:miapi/materials/any-path-and-file-name.json These materials can have various stats such as hardness, density, flexibility, etc.,

Required Fields


The language key of the material, points to the language file.


the Icon of the Material, can either be the path to a texture or a more complex icon, for that see this as an example


The Hex color of the Material. Please use RGB and NOT RGBA here.

Optional Fields

Module Stats

Module stats is a weird subcategory. Any open key can be used to define a Module stats, such as hardness or mining level , for Example these can be dynamicly called from by calling [material.hardness] in a complex double as reference.


a list of group keys. by default stone wood metal bone glass fabric crystal gemstone flint rod fletching smithing are used


A List of Items to create the Material, can either be "item", "tag" or "ingredient". requires also a "value" to define the value in relation to the cost of the modules.


This is a complex field . It is a key -> properties map. Those keys can be referenced by Modules to search for Material Properties.
Default keys include default
handheld tool blade head axe pickaxe hammer hoe shovel
armor helmet chest pants boots


Emerald Example


This field is similar to properties, but wont display in UI


This field is similar to properties, but they wont apply, but show up in the UI. This is useful to communicate Material information to the player.

Color Palette

Color Palettes should be defined for all actual materials, and they need to be under the key color_palette They can have different Types:


This is a Map where brigthness values of the raw texture are mapped to direct color values. Example


This is a Map where brightness values of the raw texture are mapped to direct color values. Unlike the grayscale_map this uses a 1x256 texture to remap instead Example


This requires the json to mention a texture and this texture will be used to generate a palette similar to how generated Materials work.

"color_palette": {
"type": "image_generated",
"atlas": "block",
"texture": "minecraft:block/dirt"


This requires the json to mention a valid ItemId. This might be easier to use than the option above

"color_palette": {
"type": "image_generated_item",
"item": "minecraft:dirt"


This overlays a Texture over the existing Model, allowing for cooler looking custom motives. Well repeating texures are recommended. Example


This mask between two other Color Palettes via a Texture. Example:

"color_palette": {
"type": "layered_mask",
"base": {
"type": "grayscale_map",
"colors": {
"24": "2D0500",
"68": "4A0800",
"107": "720C00",
"150": "720C00",
"190": "BB2008",
"255": "E32008"
"layer": {
"type": "grayscale_map",
"colors": {
"24": "002d00",
"68": "005300",
"107": "007b18",
"150": "009529",
"190": "00aa2c",
"216": "17dd62",
"255": "41f384"
"mask": {
"type": "texture",
"atlas": "block",
"texture": "minecraft:block/water_still"

Component Materials

TODO: they might get reworked. TODO: decide and document them