Inventory Sorting
You can sort your inventory using the ↩️Enter
You can press F4
to enter freecam mode.
Enchantment Descriptions
You can right-click an enchanted book to view its description.
3D Particles
You can disable most 3D particles in the FancyBlockParticles option in the Options menu.
In-Game Skin Switcher
You can switch your skins in-game, by clicking on the Skin Presets
button on the Title Screen or on the
In-Game Menu.
Better Grass
You can toggle better grass from BetterGrassify settings via Mod Menu.
You can change your capes provider from Capes settings via Mod Menu.
Deleted Worlds
Deleted worlds are stored in the Recycle Bin.
Light Mode
You can turn on Light Mode, by disabling GUI SimpleStylized
, from the Resource Packs menu.
Controller Support
The modpack also supports controllers!
Preferred Gamerules
You can set your default gamerules via Preferred Gamerules settings, through Mod Menu.
Custom Discord RPC Impl
You can disable this feature by disabling the CraftPresence mod.