This page details the data format for json files in the data/namespace/pmmo/biomes/ data folder.
Example File
{"isTagFor":[ //use to have settings copied to all below members. the filename is ignored and is not automatically added."minecraft:plains","minecraft:meadow"],"bonus":{"BIOME":{"mining": 1.1, //this is a 10% increase in xp gain"flying": 0.75 //this is a 25% reduction in xp gain}},//If a player meets this requirement, the "positive_effect" is applied, otherwise the "negative_effect" is applied.//Note that if you do not define a positive or negative effect, that behavior is skipped. This means that you//can have a positive effect for meeting the requirement without a negative effect for not, or vice versa"travel_req":{ //remove if both positive and negative effects are undefined"agility": 5},"positive_effect":{ //remove if unused"minecraft:regeneration": 1 //the level of the effect - 1},"negative_effect":{ //remove if unused"minecraft:poision": 2},//What blocks should not be permitted to be vein-mined"vein_blacklist":[ //if not adding, you can leave it, but it's cleaner to remove it"minecraft:bedrock","minecraft:ancient_debris"],//Which mobs, and by how much, should be modified in this biome.//Note: this applies on mob spawns. Mobs will not get weaker/stronger by changing the biome they are in."mob_multiplier":{"minecraft:zombie": {"minecraft:generic.max_health": 0.5, //half health"minecraft:generic.movement_speed": 2.0, //double speed"minecraft:generic.attack_damage": 1.1 // 10% increase in damage},"minecraft:skeleton": {"minecraft:generic.attack_damage": 1.15 //not all attributes need to have values, only what you want to modify.}}}
Tags and File names
When naming and adding a file you should name the file according to the data value of the biome. for example plains.json
for the vanilla plain biome. or redwood_forest.json
for the BYG biome. From there you need to place it under the correct namespace folder. eg data/minecraft/pmmo/biomes/plains.json
or data/byg/pmmo/biomes/redwood_forest.json