
Introduction to Chemistry

Chemistry is a powerful concept that while mysterious is also quite interesting. An observation i have made is that chemistry is heavily focused around the ocean and mainly uses plants or magical crystals as ingredients for substances.

Even though all of this might sound foreign, you have already come across a chemical substance, Etching Acid. While not typical in its structure, it is still considered a chemical fluid due to its transforming abilities.

Electrolyte Algae Serum

Electrolyte Algae Serum (EAS) is one of the first chemicals you will come across. It is known for its transforming abilities that can empower items and entities.

Salt Water

You might have already discovered that it uses another liquid: Salt Water

Salt water can be obtained by filling a bucket of water in an ocean biome which will turn it into salt water. In the future there are even more powerful ways to gather it, so stay tuned!

Next: Aquarine Steel Tools