Item Descriptions

Writing Descriptions

The descriptions used in the Item Descriptions mod are designed to be simple - a brief introduction to the item, not an article. Most descriptions will follow these guidelines. Note that these are guidelines, not hard rules. Some descriptions intentionally break them for clarity, but knowing the rules helps you know how to break them.


  • Descriptions should be short and easy to read. One to two sentences is the sweet spot here.
  • Descriptions should avoid unnecessarily repeating information available in EMI or a WAILA mod (Jade/WTHIT/WAILA) unless they're essential or reflect the primary purpose of the subject.
  • Descriptions should be aware of where they're likely to be first read. For example, natural Block Descriptions note alternate drops, because the player will see them first through a WAILA mod.

Rarity and Context

  • Rarity should be appended at the end of the tooltip, i.e. "It's an uncommon find." or "It's an epic find!"
  • Descriptions for blocks or items exclusive to April Fools versions are suffixed with the text "A strange find.". If this makes the text cumbersome to word, at a minimum the word "strange" as early as possible in the tooltip.


  • All blocks and items generally follow the format: A [block/item/tool/fluid/etc] (that does/is stuff).
  • All entities generally follow the format: A [adjectives] [thing] (found in [Place]) (that does/is stuff).
  • All mobs should be described as passive/neutral/hostile mobs, and can use the qualifiers ambient, aquatic, flying ranged [hostile] undead unused