
Custom Films

With commands you can configure films by specifying some components:

  • /give @s exposure:color_film[exposure:film_frame_size=512] - sets frame size to 512 pixels. Default: 320(configurable) Max: 2048.
  • /give @s exposure:color_film[exposure:film_frame_count=32] - sets max frame count to 32.
  • /give @s exposure:color_film[exposure:film_color_palette="exposure:map_colors"] - sets Color Palette.
Larger values of film_frame_size can cause lag and stutters.
Larger values of film_frame_count can cause disconnects from server and/or other issues. 32 will probably be fine, 64 maybe. But I haven't tested it. Use at your own risk.

Using datapacks or KubeJS/CraftTweaker, custom film can be added to the game with a recipe, quest reward or in a loot table.