Mine and Slash

Mine and Slash

First, you need to learn the spell.

Open your Mns-HUB > Classes


Learn the spell you want to use (You are limited to 2 classes, and each spell has a level requirement)

Now go to Mns-HUB > Hotbar

Click and place your spell on the hotbar.


Click the Big plus button, then choose your spell.

Now you need to go into your Minecraft Keybinds if you want to change them.

Press the keybind to cast the spell!

Reccomended Keybinds are something like:

  1. R
  2. F
  3. E
  4. G
  5. Shift + R
  6. Shift + F
  7. Shift + E
  8. Shift + G

This way you only need 4 keyboard keys in total! The last 4 spells should be long cooldown spells, buffs or other things you rarely cast.

The spell failed to cast?

You will get one of these error messages:

  • Wrong Weapon. Most spells require a certain weapon. Fireball might require a mage weapon (Staff). An Arrow Barrage probably needs a ranged weapon (Bow)
  • Weapon has no Mine and Slash Stats/Soul. As Most of the damage of spell comes from Mine and Slash Weapon Damage Stat, it is required to have a weapon with Mns Stats to cast spells.
  • No mana/energy.
  • On Cooldown. Some spells have cooldown or work based on charges, you need to wait it out
  • Already Casting. This means you're casting a spell already
  • Banned Dimension. Some spells like teleport are disabled in the map dimension

These error messages can be disabled by going into Mns-HUB > Configs. (Note, this is not the normal Mod Config, this is a special Mns Screen for Per-Player options)