Verdant Growth



Amidst the many hazards of the Verdant Growth, explorers may find odd plants with large leaves.


Breaking these yields Bitter Cassava Cuttings, the seed equivalent of Bitter Cassava. These can be planted like other crops. Since Cassava crops grow two blocks tall, ensure enough space. Wild Cassava can also be harvested with shears or silk touch for decoration or planting in flower pots.

Growing Cassava

Cassava takes longer to grow than wheat or carrots but yields significantly more resources. Upon reaching full maturity, its roots extend into the farmland, converting it into Cassava Rooted Dirt. Harvesting the plant itself drops many Cuttings, but no food. To obtain Cassava roots, use a hoe on Cassava Rooted Dirt.

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Bitter Cassava

Cassava exists in two variants. By default, crops yield Bitter Cassava, which contains toxic compounds. Consuming too much causes a slow, cumulative poison effect. However, eating small amounts within a varied diet mitigates the risk.

Rarely, Bitter Cassava plants drop Cassava Cuttings, which grow into a non-toxic variant. This Cassava is safe to eat but produces less food and is less hardy.

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Non-bitter Cassava can be cooked into Cooked Cassava, a filling food similar to Steak. Both Cassava variants can be processed into Starch and Bitter Starch (one Cassava yields four Starch). Starch is primarily used for crafting Bread, while Bitter Starch creates Bitter Bread, which causes Cassava Poisoning if eaten in excess. Cassava-based items can also be fed to various animals.

Golden Cassava

Cassava can be combined with eight Gold Ingots to create Golden Cassava, which has two powerful uses. Cooked Golden Cassava grants Absorption and Resistance when eaten. Sparkling Starch, crafted from Golden Cassava, can be used for potion-making or crafted into Golden Bread, which provides stronger Absorption.

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Sparkling Starch can be brewed into a Potion of Colloid using a potion stand. This potion slows entities briefly upon taking damage, making it a useful tool against fast or evasive foes—especially when combined with environmental hazards like spikes.