Verdant Growth

Dirt Ores

Dirt Ores

Areas overgrown by the Verdant Growth won't only have changes on the surface; Stone and Deepslate will be slowly eroded into Dirt. When the root system of the Verdant Growth encounters ores, they too will be eroded - into Dirt Ores. Ores in dirt can be mined with any tool - or even by hand. This, along with the fact that dirt is softer than stone, makes mining considerably easier in overgrown areas.

Additionally, Dirt Ores can be harvested by right-clicking them with a Hoe of any type; this will pop out the resources and convert the block into dirt. Any variety of vanilla ore can be eroded into its dirt variant. Modded ores are not supported yet, but might be in future versions.

verdant:item/dirt_coal_ore verdant:item/dirt_copper_ore verdant:item/dirt_iron_ore verdant:item/dirt_gold_ore verdant:item/dirt_lapis_ore verdant:item/dirt_redstone_ore verdant:item/dirt_diamond_ore verdant:item/dirt_emerald_ore