
Cybernetic Augmentations

The Cybernetic Augmentation Center is a facility that allows you to install cybernetic augmentations into your body. These augmentations can provide you with a variety of benefits, such as increased strength, speed, and protection. They can also grant you new abilities, such as the ability to see in the dark or to automatically keep you fed.


Research Requirements

All augmentations must first be researched in the Cybernetic Augmentation Center:

  1. Walk into the assembled machine to open the Research & Application GUI
  2. Each augmentation has unique energy and resource costs (stored in the center's or player inventory)
  3. Access the machine inventory via right-clicking the machine or using the GUI's bottom-left button
  4. Many researches require prerequisite augmentations (as shown in the tech tree)

Research Stations

  • The augmentation center has 3 multiblock research slots (which are attached similar to addon slots)
  • Each station:
    • Requires 3 machine cores
    • Handles one research at a time
    • Duplicate stations can enable parallel research

Application Process

  1. Researched augments become available for installation
  2. Application requires additional resources
  3. Center stores all researched blueprints (per-machine, this means they'll be lost when the machine is destroyed)
  4. Existing player augmentations can be scanned via UI import button (bottom-left)

Augmentation Management

  • All Augmentations are installed permanently (no maintenance or energy is required)
  • Some augments can be toggled; others remain always-active
  • Augmentations can be removed at any time, but the resources used for installation are lost.

Toggle Controls

  1. Press+hold augmentation hotkey ([G] by default)
  2. Hover over desired augment in radial UI
  3. Release to toggle it