
Item Transportation

Oritech includes item transport pipes and item filter blocks to meet your item logistics needs. Item pipes connect to each other and all neighboring inventories.

Unlike other pipes, item pipes do not have an inventory. This means that other blocks, such as hoppers, cannot insert items into the pipe network on their own. Instead, an item pipe can be set to extract from a nearby inventory.

To toggle extraction mode, you must right-click the section of the pipe connected to the block you wish to extract from. Extraction will only be enabled if the pipe is connected to a block that supports extraction. Each pipe connection can be toggled independently.

Extracted items will be placed into the closest available inventory further down the network.

The maximum transfer range is 256 blocks. Any network longer than that needs to be split.


Item Filters

To filter which items go where, you can use item filters. They are blocks you can place next to the target inventory. They have five input sides and always output to the side they are facing. They only accept items that match the filter set via the UI and automatically output them to the target inventory.

However, they will not automatically extract items from neighboring inventories.
