Roots 4

Roots 4


Roots 4 is a continuation of Roots 3, previously released for 1.12.2, for NeoForge 1.21.1. This mod is currently a work-in-progress, although the majority of core features are implemented. It is not recommended that this version of Roots be used in mod packs yet.

The latest alpha release of Roots 4 is available on CurseForge.

The mod currently does not contain any in-game documentation beyond what is available through Just Enough Items. It is recommended that you consult this Wiki and, if you still have unanswered questions, ask them in the Mystic Mods Discord.

If you wish to report a bug, please do so on the Mystic Mods GitHub page for Roots.

Most recipes are currently placeholders, and, as they can be easily modified by modpack authors, none are directly included in this Wiki. It is recommended that you check Just Enough Items to find the exact recipe you need.


Requires NeoForge 1.21.1, 21.1.93 or later.

Unlike earlier versions, Roots 4 does not require any library mods.


  • Just Enough Items
  • Curios


There's currently no plan to support Fabric at this stage. Roots relies extensively on NeoForge's features and a port is not currently practical.
