Roots 4

Roots 4

Getting Started

To start, you will need to locate wild roots and hanging grove moss.


Wild roots can be found growing under trees. Breaking them will drop wild roots.


Wild roots can also be found growing underground.


Wild roots that grow under water will have a slightly mossy texture. Breaking these will also drop grove spores.


Hanging grove moss can be found growing on trees.

Renewing Resources

Wildroot can be planted as a crop in any tilled soil.

The Overgrowth rituals causes creeping grove moss to spawn which, when broken, will yield grove moss.

You can rarely find wildroot and grove spores when breaking grass and ferns.

Grove spores can be used by right-clicking on a block that has a water source adjacent to it. Doing so will grow creeping grove moss.

Creeping grove moss grown from grove spores has a chance to drop further grove spores. Creeping grove moss grown via the Overgrowth ritual will never drop grove spores.

See the Overgrowth ritual entry for more details on automating grove moss production.

Wooden Shears

Crafting wooden shears allows you to access wool and leaf blocks, etc, sooner than you otherwise would.

Copper Armor and Tools

While copper is more plentiful, the default recipes require copper blocks instead of copper bars.

The defensive benefits and offensive benefits and tool tiers are roughly equivalent to iron.

Charm of Alertness

This charm will play a warning sound from the location of a mob the moment that it targets you. It will also cause the edges of the screen to turn red before fading. It will also cause the mob to glow for a few seconds afterwards.

The sound and visual are configurable.

The charm can be equipped into the curios charm slot.

Note: zombies regularly aggro outside of hearing range, meaning that the warning sound cannot be heard.


Using a knife to break leaves and grasses (and other blocks contained within the roots:foragable/single and roots:foragable/double) has an increased chance to drop wild roots, grove moss and grove spores. This attribute is called "foraging".

The following tiers have the following levels of foraging. Each level of foraging increases the chances of finding wild roots, grove moss and grove spores.

  • Wood: level 1
  • Stone: level 2
  • Iron or copper: level 3
  • Gold or silver: level 4
  • Diamond: level 5
  • Netherite: level 6

Foraging can also be increased with the Foraging enchantment, but that is not yet implemented.

Bark and Runed Logs

Knives are also used to strip bark from logs. If you hold wild root or grove moss in your off-hand, you can instead convert logs into runed logs.


The next major step is creating a source of runestone.

The default recipe allows you to convert 8 blocks of any type of stone into 3 runestone.

Runestone can then be used to craft a pyre (see the rituals section), a mortar & pestle, a primal grove stone and a grove crafter.


See the rituals section for detailed information on the use of a pyre.

Pyre crafting is the default source for all of the elemental herbs and a number of others.

Grove Stone

Use Just Enough Items to see the recipe for a grove stone.

Once placed, you will need to use the Grove Suppliation ritual to activate the grove stone.

Grove Crafter

A grove crafter requires a nearby, activated grove stone. If it does not have one, the grove display will be dull and it will display an icon above it.

Once you have an activated grove stone, you can use a grove crafter to easily create runestone.

Grove crafting recipes require you to place the relevant ingredients on pedestals.

Grove pedestals can contain one item and can be filled by a hopper or other similar methods. Wildwood pedestals can contain a full stack of an item.

Empty and display pedestals do not contribute to a recipe.

Once a valid recipe is found, the resulting item will display above the grove crafter.

Simply right-click the grove crafter with a knife or an empty hand to begin the craft.

The grove crafter will attempt to place the results of crafts into adjacent containers. If none are found, the items will be spawned in the world.

Please see Just Enough Items for relevant grove crafting recipes and their requirements.

Mortar & Pestle

Please see Just Enough Items for the recipes for crafting a mortar and pestle.

Items can be placed into the mortar simply by right-clicking the item on the mortar. A single item is placed at a time, and the mortar can contain up to 5 items.

Items can be removed by right-clicking the mortar with an empty hand.

Once the mortar is full with a valid recipe, simply right click the mortar with a pestle until it finishes crafting. The number of times required to craft with the mortar varies with recipes.

[Note: Just Enough Items currently does not display the number of times required to activate a recipe.]

Spells & staff

Please see the spells section.

Living Tools

Living tools are currently untested.

Runic Shears

Please see Just Enough Items for the runic shears recipe.

Runic shears can be used on specific blocks to convert them into other blocks. By default, this is the acquisition source for wildewheet seeds and spiritleaf seeds. These recipes have a considerable durability cost.

Please see Just Enough Items for these block interactions.

Runic shears can also be used on entities. By default, this is the acquisition source for fey leather. Using runic shears on an entity triggers a cooldown, during which you cannot use runic shears on that same entity.

Please see Just Enough Items for these entity interactions.


Sprouts can be tempted and bred with aubergine.

After creating a baby sprout, both parents will offer a gift and will show a gift box above their heads.

Gifts can be acquired from sprouts by right-clicking them with an empty hand.

Gifts are configurable through NeoForge data maps, and, by default, consist of difficult-to-acquire seeds and natural objects.


In addition to wild roots and hanging grove moss, there are a number of structures that can spawn.

These may be familiar to players of older versions of Mystical World.

  • Barrows spawn in plains biomes and have a dead bush on their roof, making them easier to spot.
  • Huts and ruined huts also spawn in plains biomes, with randomized basements.
  • Standing stones made of runestone and mossy runestone spawn in a variety of biomes with a flower in the middle. Buried beneath the flower is a chest with seeds, plants, etc.

Elemental Soil

Elemental crops grow best on their matching elemental soil.

On normal farmland, dewgonia must be waterlogged to grow.

When harvested on normal farmland, elemental crops will always drop one with a chance to drop a second.

On default ("plain") elemental soil or non-matching elemental soil, elemental crops will always drop two with a chance to drop a third.

On matching elemental soil, elemental crops will always drop three with a chance to drop a fourth.

Additional elemental crops will drop based on fortune.

Other mechanics of elemental soil beyond matching types are not yet implemented.