
Updating Guide: 2.x to 3.x

Updating Armor

A guide for converting AzureLib/Geckolib Armors to the new 3.x code.

Armor Item Class

public class ExampleArmor extends ArmorItem implements GeoItem {
// Geckolib used GeckoLibUtil
private final AnimatableInstanceCache cache = AzureLibUtil.createInstanceCache(this);
public ExampleArmor(Type type) {
super(ArmorMaterials.NETHERITE, type, new Properties());
public void createRenderer(Consumer<RenderProvider> consumer) {
// Where you registered your Renderer
public void registerControllers(AnimatableManager.ControllerRegistrar controllers) {
// Where you registered your Controllers and such
public AnimatableInstanceCache getAnimatableInstanceCache() {
return cache;

As you can see here, you no longer need to implement a Geo interface to your class anymore and no longer register your controllers or renderer here. All that is needed now is to simply implement a Dispatcher, which we will cover below.


private static final RawAnimation EQUIP_ANIMATION = RawAnimation.begin().thenLoop("equipping");
public void registerControllers(AnimatableManager.ControllerRegistrar controllers) {
// Trigger Animations on armors did not with Azurelib 2.x and older and in Geckolib
new AnimationController<>(this, "base_controller", 0,
state -> PlayState.CONTINUE).triggerableAnim(
public class ExampleArmorDispatcher {
private static final AzCommand EQUIP_COMMAND = AzCommand.create(
public void equip(Entity entity, ItemStack itemStack) {
EQUIP_COMMAND.sendForItem(entity, itemStack);


public class ExampleArmorRenderer<D extends ArmorItem> extends GeoArmorRenderer<ExampleArmor> {
public ExampleArmorRenderer() {
super(new DefaultedItemGeoModel<>(ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(
YOUR_MOD_ID, "examplearmor"

This is where you will now register the ResourceLocation model and texture of your armor and you register your ExampleArmorAnimator.


public void createRenderer(Consumer<RenderProvider> consumer) {
consumer.accept(new RenderProvider() {
private ExampleArmorRenderer<ExampleArmor> renderer;
public HumanoidModel<LivingEntity> getHumanoidArmorModel(
LivingEntity livingEntity,
ItemStack itemStack,
EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot,
HumanoidModel<LivingEntity> original
) {
if (renderer == null) {
renderer = new ExampleArmorRenderer<ExampleArmor>();
renderer.prepForRender(livingEntity, itemStack, equipmentSlot, original);
return this.renderer;

Now simply call the AzArmorRendererRegistry#register() in your onInitializeClient for Fabric and FMLClientSetupEvent for Neoforge/Forge

To ensure trigger animations work properly, you will need to also call AzIdentityRegistry#register() in your onInitialize for Fabric and FMLCommonSetupEvent for NeoForge/Forge like so:
