Updating Entities
A guide for converting AzureLib/Geckolib Entities to the new 3.x code.
Entity Class
public class ExampleEntity extends Entity implements GeoEntity {// Geckolib used GeckoLibUtilprivate final AnimatableInstanceCache cache = AzureLibUtil.createInstanceCache(this);public ExampleEntity(EntityType<? extends Entity> entityType, Level level) {super(entityType, level);}@Overridepublic void registerControllers(AnimatableManager.ControllerRegistrar controllers) {// Where you registered your Controllers and such}@Overridepublic AnimatableInstanceCache getAnimatableInstanceCache() {return cache;}}
As you can see here, you no longer need to implement a Geo interface to your class anymore and no longer register your controllers here. All that is needed now is to simply implement a Dispatcher, which we will cover below.
private static final RawAnimation IDLE = RawAnimation.begin().thenLoop("idle");@Overridepublic void registerControllers(AnimatableManager.ControllerRegistrar controllers) {controllers.add(new AnimationController<>(this, "base_controller", 0,state -> state.setAndContinue(IDLE)));}
Heads up!
It is recommend to created a dedicated class for your Animation triggers as AzureLib now functions only using animation trigger calls, which is registered in your item like in the example above of the new Item class:
public class ExampleEntityDispatcher {private static final AzCommand IDLE_COMMAND = AzCommand.create("base_controller","idle",AzPlayBehaviors.LOOP);private final ExampleEntity example_entity;public DoomHunterAnimationDispatcher(ExampleEntity animatable) {this.example_entity = animatable;}public void idle() {IDLE_COMMAND.sendForEntity(example_entity);}}
public class ExampleEntityRenderer extends GeoEntityRenderer<ExampleEntity> {public ExampleEntityRenderer() {super(new DefaultedEntityGeoModel<>(ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(YOUR_MOD_ID, "example_entity")));}}
This is where you will now register the ResourceLocation model and texture of your armor and you register your ExampleEntityAnimator.
This has not changed for Entities, please refer to your mod loader for how to register entities and the entities renderer.