Fzzy Config


@IgnoreVisiblity tells the serializer that it should not ignore non-public fields. It will attempt to access widen private, protected, etc. fields and properties while performing de/serialization. This is useful if you want to make a config in a typical Java style, with private fields that have getters and setters as needed.

public class ConfigImpl extends Config {
public ConfigImpl {
super(new Identifier("example", "config"));
private int myPrivateField = 0;
private static class SecretBit { /* stuff goes here */ }
// this ValidatedAny will work, thanks to the IgnoreVisibility on the SecretBit class. Otherwise the class would have to be public.
// note that the IgnoreVisiblity of the SecretBit is not responsible for the mySecretBit visibiltity; that is handled by the ConfigImpl annotation
private ValidatedAny<SecretBit> mySecretBit = new ValidatedAny(new SecretBit());