Fzzy Config


Common solutions to common problems are described here.

Config not in ModMenu

ModMenu asks for its config screen on mod initialization. If your mod doesn't register your config until then, load order might mean your config hasn't had a chance to initialize before ModMenu has asked for config screens. To fix this, add your mod id (or the ids you used in the config identifiers) to the relevant mod properties file:

// fabric.mod.json "custom" block
"custom": {
"fzzy_config": [
// (neoforged.)mods.toml in the modProperties table

Arbitrary Object Settings Null

If you use ValidatedAny to wrap your object, you don't need to do anything further, but if you just add a "plain" object instance to your config, that object needs to implement Walkable

public MyObject myObject = new ValidatedAny(new MyObject());
public class MyObject{ /* implementation */ } //can be a plain object
public MyObject2 myObject2 = new MyObject2();
public class MyObject2 implements Walkable{ /* implementation */ } //implements walkable

Java Compiler Errors

Since FzzyConfig is written in kotlin, there are certain incompatibilities you might run into if you are writing a java mod.

  • ConfigApiJava - This may solve issues with registration, commonly caused by certain kotlin classes such as Function0 not being present in java build environment
  • modCompileOnly FabricLanguageKotlin - The robust solution, simply add kotlin to your compile classpath with FLK or similar.

TestMod Crashes

Prior to 0.4.3, Fzzy Config wasn't on a "true" Maven, so the full maven.pom isn't available. As such, transitive dependencies aren't available. This causes issues when you try to runClient.

repositories {
dependencies {
modLocalRuntime "net.peanuuutz.tomlkt:tomlkt-jvm:${project.tomlktVersion}"