Fzzy Config

Toml Annotations

TomlKt, the library that Fzzy Config's serializer is built off of, provides a series of annotations for decorating the .toml output files.

  • @Comment / @TomlComment - Adds a comment to the output file. Also, if no description translation is provided, Fzzy Config will use this comment in the in-game tooltip.
  • @Inline / @TomlInline - Forces the annotated list or map to be single-line in the output file.
  • @BlockArray / @TomlBlockArray - Modifies the encoding process of corresponding array-like property, either to force array of table to be encoded as block array, or to change how many items should be encoded per line
  • @MultilineString / @TomlMultilineString - Marks that the string property is multiline
  • @LiteralString / @TomlLiteralString - Marks the annotated string property as a literal in the output file. This means it will have single quotes 'C:\Users\<User>\.m2\repositories' and escaping won't be performed by the parser.
  • @Integer / @TomlInteger - Defines the visual format of an integer-like numeric property (byte, short, int, long).
    • Base.Bin - binary 0b11010100
    • Base.Oct - octal 0o81244
    • Base.Dec - standard decimal form.
    • Base.Hex - hexadecimal 0xFF342B6A