
Capture Properties

Controls creation of exposures.
Used in /exposure load and /exposure expose commands.


PropertyType or Possible ValuesDescriptionDefault
idStringPoints to the .dat file in <world>/data/exposures.-required-
film_typecolor or black_and_whiteChanges how image would processedcolor
color_paletteResourcePalette of the imageexposure:map_colors_plus
frame_sizeIntWidth and Height of an imageControlled by exposure-server config. Default: 320
crop_factorFloatHow much an image would be cropped. Camera uses 0.8751.0
shutter_speedStringAffects brightness of the image1/60
fov_overrideFloatSets the fov to this value-
flashtrue or falseSpawns flash particlesfalse
projectionProjection InfoImage loading properties-
single_channelred, green or blueIf film_type is black_and_white, image will consist of data from single channel-

All of the properties are optional, except id.

Projection Info:

PropertyType or Possible ValuesDescriptionDefault
pathStringFile path or URL-required-
modedithered or cleanControls whether the image would be dithereddithered