
Frame Predicate

identifierExposureIdentifierMatches id of the exposure. Basically only useful for predefined exposures (like the ones spawned in loot)
typeString ("color" or "black_and_white")Checks film type
photographerStringChecks name of the frame author
shutter_speedShutterSpeedPredicateChecks shutter speed at the time of creation
focal_lengthMinMaxBounds.IntsChecks focal length at the time of creation
light_levelMinMaxBounds.IntsChecks what light level at camera position was at the time of creation
day_timeMinMaxBounds.IntsChecks day time at the time of creation
entities_in_frame_countMinMaxBounds.IntsChecks count of entities in frame
entity_in_frameEntityInFramePredicateChecks if any entity in frame matches this predicate
extra_dataExtraDataPredicateChecks extra data
All properties are optional

MinMaxBounds.Ints is the same as in vanilla advancements

LocationPredicate is the same as in vanilla advancements

entity_in_frame checks stored entity info in frame. It's not a real entity, just it's info.

This predicate can also be used as ItemSubPredicate