
Custom Color Palettes

To create additional palettes or modify existing ones, create a json file and place it in the following path in your datapack: data/<pack>/exposure/color_palette/<palette>.json
/exposure palette command has some tools to aid in palette creation.

Example Datapack

Json file has a single property:

  • colors: array of strings representing hex value of a color - AARRGGBB.

Example of an "ink" color palette:

"colors": [
"FF1F1F29", "FF413A42", "FF596070", "FF96A2B3", "FFEAF0D8"
  • Palette can have 1-256 colors.
  • If a palette has less than 256 colors, internally Exposure will fill the rest with "FF000000" (black).
  • Last color in a palette will always be "00000000" (fully transparent)
    • Exposure will add it automatically, if omitted.
    • If palette has 256 colors and last one is not transparent - Exposure will automatically correct it.

To use custom palette, you need to specify it in Film components.

Modifying palette, that is referenced in existing exposures, will cause rendering of that exposure to change as well.
Removing palette, that is referenced in existing exposures, will make them use default palette, which will also change how exposure is rendered.