Project MMO


Is a mod about earning experience for the things you do in game. As you gain experience, you unlock new tools and armor and gain stronger attributes for your character.

Basic Features

If you've just added Project MMO to your game, the mod includes some built-in settings to play with. These settings are determined by the feature pack you select when you create your world.


Each of these feature packs contains pre-configured settings to match the playstyle you select. Project MMO is also extremely customizable. Because of this, you will not find anything in this wiki explaining what each skill does. However, there is an in-game menu to answer this for you.

The Glossary

will always show you what each item, block, entity, dimension, biome, enchantment, and special ability ("Perk") does for the world you are in. If you play on servers or use modpacks that have customized the mod, this will be an invaluable resource to help you learn what you need to get the most out of Project MMO.

There are two ways to access the glossary. The first is to look at an object you are interested in and press P (default keybind). For blocks and entities, this will open the glossary specifically for that object. If you are looking at air, the glossary will open for yourself. If you are crouching when you open the glossary, the current dimension and biome information will show. Lastly, to view items, hover over them in your inventory and press the P key to open the glossary for that item.

The Full Glossary

To view every item in the game whether you have them or not, you will want to open the full glossary. Start by opening the glossary using any of the above methods. Then, at the top right of your screen click "Open Glossary". This will open up the main glossary menu where you can select what kind of information you would like to view.


In this image of the glossary below we can see item requirements for the mining skill


Modpacks and Configuration

Project MMO is designed to offer the most configurable experience for modpack makers. Nearly every feature in the mod can be configured down to the finest detail.

The following options exist for configuring the mod

  • Scripting: a simplified code-like format which uses text-based .pmmo files in the config/ folder.
  • Datapacks: Just like vanilla, all items in the game can be configured for pmmo via json files
  • CraftTweaker: compat with CT allows for configuring the mod as well as certain custom behavior features via our API
  • KubeJS: using Project MMO's API, KubeJS can be used to configure the mod and add custom functionality

Read More About Configuring Project MMO
Read More About Extending PMMO with Addons