Project MMO lets you restrict content based on player skill levels. These are referred to as "requirements" (or "reqs" for short). If a requirement is not met for a certain event, the event does not occur. A simple example of this is having a requirement in "Mining" to be able to use a stone pickaxe. If you craft/obtain a stone pickaxe before you have the required level, you won't be able to use the tool to mine. The following sections will go into detail about requirements
Requirement Configuration
The below table contains every requirement type in the mod as well as what it does.
Requirement | Purpose |
WEAR | requirement to put into an armor/curio slot or to hold in one's hand or offhand. |
USE_ENCHANTMENT | for enchantments only, this dictates if an item possessing the enchantment can be used in any context |
TOOL | can the item be used for breaking blocks |
WEAPON | can the item be used to deal damage |
USE | if the item has some sort of use, like eating food or throwing ender pearls, can the player perform that use? |
PLACE | can this block be placed |
BREAK | can this block be broken |
KILL | can the player deal damage or kill this entity |
TRAVEL | can the player enter this dimension or biome |
RIDE | can the player ride this vehicle/animal |
TAME | can the player tame this animal |
BREED | can the player breed this animal |
INTERACT | can the player interact with this block |
ENTITY_INTERACT | can the player interact with this entity |
Heads up!
There is no way to fully restrict player crafting, therefore gating crafting events is currently not supported. The primary reason for this is that most modded crafting tables do not properly use the client's recipebook when coding their crafting menus. Because the server does not have player-specific recipe lists and Minecraft itself doesn't track the player crafting when a recipe is used, there is nothing to prevent players from using modded crafting benches to bypass crafting requirements. Furthermore, items like the auto-crafter and other modded auto-crafters pose deeper problems.
Requirement Negative Effects
There are two requirements that can trigger negative effects: WEAR
. These are effects that are given to players who try to hold/wear an item they can't use or enter biome they aren't skilled enough for.