Project MMO

Project MMO

This page details the data format for json files in the data/namespace/pmmo/players/ data folder.

File Naming and Folders

The name of a file needs to correspond with a user's UUID. You can do this for any user via for example my (Caltinor) UUID is "bd1c2ad6-849a-418a-89bc-6709c571c96b". Therefore, the filename for my player json is bd1c2ad6-849a-418a-89bc-6709c571c96b.json

Because players are a minecraft object, they only go under the minecraft namespace. data/minecraft/pmmo/players/bd1c2ad6-849a-418a-89bc-6709c571c96b.json is the only location my json can go.

Example File

"ignoreReq": true, //this player is not affected by requirements
//this is a per-player bonus which means this player will always have the bonuses, but only this player.
"bonuses": {
"skillname": 1.5 // 50% increase