AutoValues Config
AutoValues is Project MMO's dynamic system for estimating values. Since, the mod cannot contain all possible current and future mod blocks, items, entities, dimensions, biomes, enchantments, and effects, AutoValues uses properties of those objects to create them dynamically.
An important detail to note is that not all values in Project MMO have AutoValues. Some settings are too nuanced, or the objects themselves do not provide a way to discern their properties to be able to make reasonable estimates. What is listed below is all of what AutoValues adds.
Example File
WITH config(autovalues)set(enabled).value(true);set(enabled_requirements).requirement(WEAR).value(true);set(enabled_requirements).requirement(TOOL).value(true);set(enabled_requirements).requirement(TRAVEL).value(false);set(enabled_xp_awards).event(DEATH).value(true);set(enabled_xp_awards).event(FISH).value(false);//the "xp_awards" section from the jsonset(rarities_muliplier).value(10);set(axe_breakable_override).value(woodcutting,10);set(hoe_breakable_override).value(farming,10);set(shovel_breakable_override).value(excavation,10);set(item_xp).event(ANVIL_REPAIR).value(smithing,10);set(item_xp).event(BLOCK_PLACE).value(building,10);set(item_xp).event(ENCHANT).value(magic,10);set(item_xp).event(FISH).value(fishing,10);set(item_xp).event(CONSUME).value(cooking,10);set(item_xp).event(SMELT).value(smithing,100);set(item_xp).event(CRAFT).value(crafting,10);set(block_xp).event(GROW).value(farming,1);set(block_xp).event(BLOCK_BREAK).value(mining,1);set(block_xp).event(BLOCK_PLACE).value(building,1);set(entity_xp).event(TAMING).value(taming,1);set(entity_xp).event(ENTITY).value(charisma,1);set(entity_xp).event(SHIELD_BLOCK).value(endurance,1);set(entity_xp).event(BREED).value(taming,1);set(entity_xp).event(RIDING).value(taming,1);set(entity_xp).event(DEATH).value(endurance,1);//the "requirements" section from the jsonset(axe_override).value(woodcutting,1);set(hoe_override).value(farming,1);set(shovel_override).value(excavation,1);set(sword_override).value(combat,1);set(penalties).value(minecraft:weakness,1,minecraft:slowness,1,minecraft:mining_fatigue,1);set(block_default).value(mining,1);set(items).requirement(WEAR).value(endurance,1);set(items).requirement(WEAPON).value(combat,1);set(items).requirement(USE_ENCHANTMENT).value(magic,1);set(items).requirement(TOOL).value(mining,1);//the "tweaks" section from the json configset(hardness_modifier).value(0.65);set(entity_tweaks).value(Health,0.5,Damage,1.5,Move_Speed,0.15);set(tool_tweaks).type(SWORD).value(Dig_Speed,10.0,Durability,0.01,Attack_Speed,10.0,Damage,1.5,Tier,10.0);set(tool_tweaks).type(AXE).value(Dig_Speed,10.0,Durability,0.01,Attack_Speed,10.0,Damage,1.5,Tier,10.0);set(tool_tweaks).type(PICKAXE).value(Dig_Speed,10.0,Durability,0.01,Attack_Speed,10.0,Damage,1.5,Tier,10.0);set(tool_tweaks).type(SHOVEL).value(Dig_Speed,10.0,Durability,0.01,Attack_Speed,10.0,Damage,1.5,Tier,10.0);set(tool_tweaks).type(HOE).value(Dig_Speed,10.0,Durability,0.01,Attack_Speed,10.0,Damage,1.5,Tier,10.0);set(wearable_tweaks).type(BOOTS).value(Durability,0.01,Armor,10.0,Knockback_Resistance,10.0,Toughness,10.0);set(wearable_tweaks).type(CHEST).value(Durability,0.01,Armor,10.0,Knockback_Resistance,10.0,Toughness,10.0);set(wearable_tweaks).type(LEGS).value(Durability,0.01,Armor,10.0,Knockback_Resistance,10.0,Toughness,10.0);set(wearable_tweaks).type(HEAD).value(Durability,0.01,Armor,10.0,Knockback_Resistance,10.0,Toughness,10.0);set(wearable_tweaks).type(WINGS).value(Durability,0.01,Armor,10.0,Knockback_Resistance,10.0,Toughness,10.0);END
Each configuration uses a combination of set(config_keyword).value(some_value);
. The table below lists each configuration node's keyword, purpose, the value node format, and any necessary special nodes.
set keyword | setting function | special nodes | value node |
enabled | whether autovalues are active | true/false. default value(true) | |
enabled_requirements | whether automatic requirement values should calculate | requirement(TYPE) the req type being enabled/disabled | true/false. default value(true) |
enabled_xp_awards | whether automatic xp values should calculate | event(TYPE) the event type being enabled/disabled | true/false. default value(true) |
rarities_multiplier | mulitplies xp calculations for blocks in the c:ores tag | decimal value. default value(10) | |
item_xp | sets the skill and xp multiplier for item xp events | event(TYPE) the event being configured | skills and whole numbers separated by commas. value(skill,1,skill_two,5) |
block_xp | same as above for blocks | event(TYPE) the event being configured | same as above |
entity_xp | same as above for entities | event(TYPE) the event being configured | same as above |
axe_breakable_override | for all blocks in the mineable/axe tag, sets the skill and multiplier | skills and whole numbers separated by commas. value(skill,1) | |
hoe_breakable_override | for all blocks in the mineable/hoe tag, sets the skill and multiplier | skills and whole numbers separated by commas. value(skill,1) | |
shovel_breakable_override | for all blocks in the mineable/shovel tag, sets the skill and multiplier | skills and whole numbers separated by commas. value(skill,1) | |
shovel_override | for all requirements related to shovels. | a skill and level ratio separated by commas. value(skill,3) | |
sword_override | for all requirements related to swords. | a skill and level ratio separated by commas. value(skill,3) | |
axe_override | for all requirements related to axes. | a skill and level ratio separated by commas. value(skill,3) | |
hoe_override | for all requirements related to hoes. | a skill and level ratio separated by commas. value(skill,3) | |
penalties | the potion effects applied for not meeting requirements | effect ids and effect levels separated by commas. value(minecraft:slowness,0) | |
items | the skills and ratio values for each requirement type. | requirement(TYPE) specifies the req type | a skill and ratio separated by commas. value(skill,1) |
hardness_modifier | How block hardness scales block ratios | decimal value. default value(0.65) | |
tool_tweaks | How tool properties scale autovalues | type(...) one of SWORD , PICKAXE , AXE , SHOVEL , HOE | an attribute type (see below) and ratio value as decimal. value(Durablity,10.0) |
wearable_tweaks | How armor properties scale autovalues | type(...) one of HEAD , CHEST , LEGS , BOOTS , WINGS | same as above |
entity_tweaks | How monster attributes scale autovalues | same as above |
Attribute Types
keyword | use |
Durability | factor of tool max durability |
Tier | factor of tool tier |
Damage | factor of entity or tool attack damage |
Attack_Speed | factor of tool attack speed |
Dig_Speed | factor of tool block breaking speed |
Armor | factor of item armor value |
Knockback_Resistance | factor of item knockback value |
Toughness | factor of item toughness value |
Health | factor of entity hitpoints |
Move_Speed | factor of entity movement speed |