Controls creation of exposures.
Used in /exposure load
and /exposure expose
Property | Type or Possible Values | Description | Default |
id | String | Points to the .dat file in <world>/data/exposures . | -required- |
film_type | color or black_and_white | Changes how image would processed | color |
color_palette | Resource | Palette of the image | exposure:map_colors_plus |
frame_size | Int | Width and Height of an image | Controlled by exposure-server config. Default: 320 |
crop_factor | Float | How much an image would be cropped. Camera uses 0.875 | 1.0 |
shutter_speed | String | Affects brightness of the image | 1/60 |
fov_override | Float | Sets the fov to this value | - |
flash | true or false | Spawns flash particles | false |
projection | Projection Info | Image loading properties | - |
single_channel | red , green or blue | If film_type is black_and_white , image will consist of data from single channel | - |
All of the properties are optional, except id
Projection Info:
Property | Type or Possible Values | Description | Default |
path | String | File path or URL | -required- |
mode | dithered or clean | Controls whether the image would be dithered | dithered |