Fzzy Config


@Translation overrides the default translation mechanism as defined in Translation, allowing you to set a custom lang key prefix. You can also define this annotation for an entire config class, and then use @Translation to negate the override on settings within that class that still need their default translation behavior.

This annotation will provide both a name translation for the entry, and a hovered tooltip description, depending on the lang provided. If lang isn't found, Fzzy Config will fall back to the default translation mechanisms.

This annotation is very useful for "repeating units" of config. A ValidatedAny object, in particular, that is repeated but the setting names are the same for each instance.

  • prefix: Set the prefix of your lang key. The field name of the field(s) or property(s) will be appended to this prefix. my.prefix.[fieldName] and my.prefix.[fieldName].desc
  • negate: Use this to turn off class-wide Translation for a specific setting that needs the default translation mechanisms.
@Translation(prefix = "example.prefix") //every setting within this class, for every instance of the class, will use this lang prefix
class RepeatingUnit implements Walkable {
public RepeatingUnit(){}
public RepeatingUnit(int thing1, float thing2, TagKey<Item> thing3) {
this.thing1 = thing1;
this.thing2 = thing2;
public boolean thing1 = true;
@Translation(negate = true) //thing2 needs a custom lang per usage, depending on the specific use for it. Skips the prefix override.
public float thing2 = 3f;
public ValidatedTagKey<Item> thing3 = new ValidatedTagKey(ItemTags.TRIMMABLE_ARMOR);
// the lang for this will look like
//"example.prefix.thing1": "Thing 1 Name"
//"my_mod.my_config.unitName.thing2": "Custom Per-Instance Name"
//"example.prefix.thing3": "Thing 3 Name"