Fzzy Config

Existing Configs

Thank you for choosing to migrate your config system to Fzzy Config! Re-implementation should be relatively painless for most config transitions.

Migration will follow many of same the basic steps as New Configs, so be sure to check out that section as needed.

General Steps

  1. Update config structure as needed
  2. Refactor registration
  3. Redo polish

1. Updating Config Layout

The majority of config libraries work with Plain Ol' Java (Kotlin) Objects. If your previous library was one of those, you are in luck because your config structure is already done! Fzzy Config also works with POJO. In step 3 you can look at how to take simple config to the next level, if desired.

To prepare your config class for use with Fzzy Config, you will need to implement Config. This defines registration information as well as provides the config with various helper methods.

An example conversion from Cloth/Auto Config:

// before
@Config(name = "general")
public class GeneralConfig implements ConfigData { /* implementation */ }
// after
public class GeneralConfig implements Config {
public GeneralConfig() {
super(Identifier.of(MOD_ID, "general"));

For a config managed by GSON serialization or similar, simply extend Config where before the object was entirely plain.

For more in-depth discussion of laying out a config and an overview of more advanced options you can consider as part of your refactor check out:

Laying out Configs

2. Refactor Registration

Fzzy Config has an inline registration system that works with an INSTANCE pattern. Configs are registered and loaded in one method call, allowing for config instantiation to be lock-step with registering it and deserializing its info from file.

For example:

//instance of your config loaded from file and automatically registered to the SyncedConfigRegistry and ClientConfigRegistry using the getId() method
public static MyConfig myConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig(MyConfig::new);

Fzzy Config won't "deserialize in place", as it needs access to instances of the config class. Loading and storing a config managed this way is easy with a Config/Impl pair or an INSTANCE pattern.

/* Configs/Impl pair */
// access you config data here
public class Configs {
public static MyConfig myConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig(MyConfig::new);
//create the config "template" here
public class MyConfig extends Config { /*implementation*/ }
/* Instance pattern */
class MyConfig extends Config {
//constructor here
// instance your config for access in a static field
public static MyConfig INSTANCE = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig(MyConfig::new);

3. Redo Polish

Naturally, the bits and bobs that came with the past library (annotations, translations, etc.) won't work with Fzzy Config. Fret not! Fzzy Config has options of its own.


Used something like @ConfigEntry.Gui.Tooltip from Cloth before? No need with Fzzy Config. All pieces of a config are translatable and describable by default. Check out the translations guide to learn more:

➡️ Translation


Fzzy Config has a very robust suite of validation options. Validation is a foundation of its very functionality! Whether you utilize these tools purposefully or not, either way Fzzy Config will apply them in the background to keep everything in your config running smoothly.

➡️ Validation


Fzzy Config has a powerful set of Annotations to bring the depth of function you need to your refactored config.

➡️ Annotations