Fzzy Config

Validated Numbers

All primitive number types have validation tools. Validation:

  • Controls the number type: bytes stay bytes etc.
  • Define a minimum allowable value
  • Define a maximum value
  • Secondary attributes like which widget the user will see in-GUI when modifying the setting.


Number validation can be defined by using one of the six subclasses of ValidatedNumber. By default, the allowable min and max will be the entire range of the type (Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE, for example)

public float myValidatedFloat = 0.5f; // this value is backed by automatic validation, with no max or min bound
public ValidatedFloat myValidatedFloat = new ValidatedFloat(0.5f,1f,0f); // default value, max value, min value


Validated Numbers each have their own partnered Annotation you can use to annotate an otherwise plain field with.

@ValidatedFloat.Restrict(min = 0f, max = 1f) // the previously unbounded simple float now has automatic validation with bounds between 0 and 1.
public float myValidatedFloat = 0.5f;
@ValidatedInt.Restrict(min = 0, type = ValidatedNumber.WidgetType.TEXTBOX_WITH_BUTTONS) //Restrict can also set the widget type used in the config GUI
public int myWidgetTypeInt = 1;


Fzzy Config has shorthand constructors for validated numbers. These are generally used to provide Validators for other validation constructors, like Lists or Maps, where you need a ValidatedNumber but may not have any need for restriction.

public ValidatedFloat myValidatedFloat = new ValidatedFloat();