Fzzy Config

Validated Colors

Fzzy Config provides several utilities for creating and validating colors. Colors are handled in three pieces:


The core of a color setting. It validates instances of ColorHolder, which support ARGB colors.


//example validated color. defined with standard integer RGBA color components [0-225]
//this example has transparency enabled. To allow only opaque colors, use the RGB overload or input Int.MIN_VALUE
var validatedColor = ValidatedColor(255, 128, 0, 255)
//this validated color allows opaque colors only
var validatedColorOpaque = ValidatedColor(0, 128, 255)
//this validated color allows opaque colors only
var validatedColorSimple = ValidatedColor()
//Validated color built from a java Color. This color will not allow transparency
var validatedColorColor = ValidatedColor(Color(1f,0.5f,0f), false)
//kotlin extension function. validated color built from a hex string, with transparency enabled.
var validatedColorString = "D6FF00AA".validatedColor(true)


Validated Colors can supply colors as components, a color integer, or a hex string.

public ValidatedColor myColor = new ValidatedColor(255, 128, 0, 255);
int colorRed = myColor.r(); //255
int colorInt = myColor.toInt(); //16744448
String colorHex = myColor.hexString(); //"FF8000"


ColorHolder is an Immutable ARGB color representation. It is the container that ValidatedColor wraps and serializes.

To update a ValidatedColor with new values requires passing a new ColorHolder into it. The general process for this is described below in MutableColor

Get the holder via ValidatedColor.get()


MutableColor, as the name implies, are mutable ARGB color representations. They are used to mutate a ValidatedColor via ColorHolders.

MutableColor supports updating of colors via RGB, HSL, or hex string.

To update a ValidatedColor internally, the following process can be followed. Generally the color will be updated externally via GUI or the .toml file.

ValidatedColor myColor = new ValidatedColor(255, 128, 0, 255);
ColorHolder holder = myColor.get(); // the old holder, rgb 255, 128, 0
MutableColor mutable = holder.mutable(); //create a MutableColor instance
mutable.updateRGB(0, 128, 255); //mutate!
myColor.accept(mutable.createHolder()); //ValidatedFields are consumers of their held type. consume a new holder created from the mutable.