More Red

Server Config

The server config file allows the configuration of settings which are synced from server to clients. The client config file is automatically generated at <your minecraft instance folder>/config/morered-server.toml the first time a client or server launches. Changes to the server config file while Minecraft is running are automatically noticed by a file watcher, causing the changes to take effect instantly.

The following parameters are configurable:

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
max_wire_plinth_connection_rangeNon-Negative Float32.0Maximum connection range (in block units) for blocks can be connected by Redwire Spools or Bundled Cable Spools
soft_tube_capPositive Integer400Soft cap on how many tubes can exist in a contiguous network of tubes. Items are transported slowlier in networks of greater size than this value, sigifying to the player that they have too many tubes.
hard_tube_capPositive Integer500Hard cap on how many tubes can exist in a contiguous network of tubes. If a player attempts to make a network of greater size from this value, not all tubes in the attempted network will become part of that network.
ticks_in_tubePositive Integer10Base time in ticks that a moving itemstack spends in each individual tube block. Adjusted by other factors.
max_items_in_tubePositive Integer2147483647Max items that can fit in a single tube. A tube block will break if the number of itemstacks contained with them is greater than this value, dropping their items on the ground
osmosis_filter_transfer_ratePositive Integer8Osmosis filter automatic item transfer rate in ticks per item. The default value of 8 is the same as vanilla hoppers.
max_remote_tube_connection_rangeNon-Negative Float32.0Maximum range at which tubes can be remotely connected to each other. This also affects how many nearby chunks are checked for longtube intersections when placing a block.

The default config file is as follows:

#Range (in blocks) that wire posts can remotely connect to each other.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
max_wire_plinth_connection_range = 32.0
#Soft cap on how many tubes can exist in a contiguous network of tubes. Items are transported slowlier in networks of greater size than this value, sigifying to the player that they have too many tubes.
#Range: 1 ~ 10000
soft_tube_cap = 400
#Hard cap on how many tubes can exist in a contiguous network of tubes. If a player attempts to make a network of greater size from this value, not all tubes in the attempted network will become part of that network.
#Range: 1 ~ 10000
hard_tube_cap = 500
#Base time in ticks that a moving itemstack spends in each individual tube block. Adjusted by other factors.
#Range: 1 ~ 72000
ticks_in_tube = 10
#Max items that can fit in a single tube. A tube block will break if the number of itemstacks contained with them is greater than this value, dropping their items on the ground
#Range: > 1
max_items_in_tube = 2147483647
#Osmosis filter automatic item transfer rate in ticks per item. The default value of 8 is the same as vanilla hoppers.
#Range: > 1
osmosis_filter_transfer_rate = 8
#Maximum range at which tubes can be remotely connected to each other. This also affects how many nearby chunks are checked for longtube intersections when placing a block.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
max_remote_tube_connection_range = 32.0


1.21.3- soft_tube_cap, hard_tube_cap, ticks_in_tube, max_items_in_tube, osmosis_filter_transfer_rate, max_remote_tube_connection_range
1.15.2- to game