More Red

Bitwise NOT Gate

The Bitwise NOT Gate is a single-input, single-output bitwise logic block, inverting individual channels of bundled cable signals.

  1. Recipes
  2. Usage
  3. Data
  4. History


Recipe TypeIngredientsOutputExample
  • 1x Bitwise NOT Gate

Shaped Crafting Recipe for Bitwise NOT Gates


The Bitwise NOT Gate can be placed in 24 different orientations, on floors, walls, and ceilings.

When placing the block, the flat side will be placed against the face clicked by the player, and the output side will point to the edge of the clicked face nearest to where the player clicked. A transparent preview is rendered to assist with orienting the block; this can be disabled in the Client Config if this is undesired.

Bitwise logic plates can connect to Bundled Cables, Colored Cables, or similar blocks. For each color channel, if the Bitwise NOT Gate is not receiving power from its input side on that channel, the output side will output a full-strength signal on that channel. Red Alloy Wires will provide input signal to all sixteen channels.

Bitwise NOT Gate with input combinations


Blockstate PropertiesValuesDescription
facing{"down", "up", "north", "south", "west", "east"}Direction to the neighbor block the plate is attached to
rotation[0,3]Rotations about the axis of attachment in 90-degree increments
BlockEntity DataFormatDescription
inputintegerBitflag in wool color order where the least significant bit is white.
outputintegerBitflag in wool color order where the least significant bit is white.


1.21.3- is now stored as input/output bitflags instead of sixteen output integers to game