More Red

Red Alloy Wire

Red Alloy Wire blocks can transmit redstone power along floors, walls, and ceilings, and around corners.

Red Alloy Wire

  1. Recipes
  2. Usage
  3. Data
  4. History


Recipe TypeIngredientsOutputExample
Shaped Crafting
  • 12x Red Alloy Wire

Shaped Crafting Recipe for Red Alloy Wire


Red Alloy Wires can be attached to solid faces of blocks; attaching a wire to a face consumes a wire item, and breaking that wire or the block that the wire is attached to causes a wire item to be dropped.

All connected wires will share redstone power, and read and emit strong power to the blocks they are attached to. They will also form parallel connections to redstone-emitting blocks which are solid on that side and at least as large as the wire (such as Redstone Cubes or Repeaters).

Unlike redstone dust, there is no power falloff when power is being transmitted through wires (though one unit of power is lost when a wire receives power from redstone dust). Instead, there is a maximum network size of 1024 connected wire nodes (where a wire node consists of a block position, an attachment face, and a signal channel). Redwire Junctions, Redwire Posts, and Redwire Relays connected by Redwire Spools are recommended for long-distance signal transmission.


Blockstate PropertiesValuesDescription
down{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the bottom of its blockspace
up{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the top of its blockspace
north{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the north
south{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the south
west{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the west
east{"false", "true"}Whether the wire is attached to the east
transform{"identity", "rot_180_face_xz", "rot_90_y_neg", "rot_80_y_pos", "invert_x", "invert_z", "swap_xz", "swap_neg_xz"}Set when the block is rotated/mirrored by structure generation or similar mechanics; it ensures blockentity data is transformed accordingly. When placed by a player, this will always be "identity"
BlockEntity DataFormatDescription
"power"Integer Array (6 values)Array of the power value stored in each face (in DUNSWE order); each value has valid range [0,15]


  • Rewrote how wires connect and transmit power; all wires in a network update at once instead of causing cascading block updates
  • Can now connect to bundled cables and bitwise gates
  • No longer loses power over distance; instead has a maximum network size (default 1024, configurable)
1.21- red alloy wires to connect to redstone torches, detector rails, and lightning rods if they share an attachment face, and trapped chests
  • Added transform blockstate property
  • connections are now stored as relative positions instead of absolute positions
1.16.5- to game