More Red

API Reference

As of 1.22, More Red uses the Ex Machina framework to get all the wires and cables to connect to each other nicely.

Mods can add compatibility with the wire system by depending on Ex Machina. See the Ex Machina github for dependency information.

The Signal Graph

Ex Machina's Signal Graph system handles

  • Listening to graph update requests
  • The connecting of wire blocks and assembling them into graph networks
  • Determining the highest input signal provided to a given signal graph
  • Updating all wire blocks in the graph simultaneously (avoiding cascading block updates)
  • Updating non-graph neighbor blocks adjacent to the graph

Blocks can be made graphable by assigning data map components to blocks; there are three datamaps used to define this behavior:

  • data/exmachina/data_maps/block/signal_source.json specifies Signal Sources which only provide power to adjacent graphs
  • data/exmachina/data_maps/block/signal_transmitter.json specifies Signal Transmitters which provide unique graph nodes, can read vanilla redstone signals from neighbors, and listen to signal changes
  • data/exmachina/data_maps/block/signal_receiver.json specifies Signal Receivers which can only listen to signal updates of adjacent graphs

A block with no datamap components acts as a default signal source, which connects to wires and provides its vanilla signal to the graph if it meets these conditions:

  • It provides vanilla redstone signal
  • It can connect to redstone dust (IBlockExtension#canConnectRedstone returns true)
  • Its block support shape reaches the side of the block adjacent to a connecting wire and is at least as large as a Red Alloy Wire cross-section (2x2 sixteenths at the center of the edge of the block)

Ex Machina also assigns additional signal source components to vanilla blocks which ought to connect to wires but do not meet this criteria:

"values": {
"#exmachina:wirable/cube": { // trapped chests
"type": "exmachina::cube" // wires on any adjacent face can connect to the block
"#exmachina:wirable/floor": { // redstone floor torches, detector rails, pressure plates
"type": "exmachina:floor" // wires on the floor next to the block can connect to it
"#exmachina:wirable/inverted_wall_floor_ceiling": { // buttons, levers, redstone wall torches
"type": "exmachina:wall_floor_ceiling", // wires attached to the same wall as the block can connect to it
"invert_horizontal_facing": true
"redstone_wire": {
"type": "exmachina:floor",
"offset": -1 // one unit of redstone power is lost when wires receive signal from redstone dust

Mods with similar blocks can add compatibility without compiling against Ex Machina by adding them to these tags, or by adding them to a datamap using exmachina's builtin source types (cube, floor, wall_floor_ceiling).

Mods which wish to add specialized compatibility (such as for interfacing with bundled cables) should depend on Ex Machina and register source/transmitter/receiver codecs for their block (registry keys for deferredregisters are available in ExMachinaRegistries) which can be referred to in the data maps.

Graph updates can be requested by invoking SignalGraphUpdateGameEvent#scheduleSignalGraphUpdate(BlockPos), which causes a graph update to occur at that position at the end of the current level tick.

Blocks which act as both signal graph transmitters and provide vanilla redstone signal should be added to the exmachina:ignore_vanilla_signal block tag