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Shunts are an item-handling block which accept items on five sides and eject them on the sixth.

  1. Recipes
  2. Usage
  3. Data
  4. History


Recipe TypeIngredientsOutputExample
Shaped Crafting
  • 1x Shunt

Shaped Crafting Recipe for Shunts


Shunts have five input sides and one output side; the output side is slightly wider than the inputs.

When an itemstack is inserted into a shunt, the shunt first attempts to insert the item into an available inventory adjacent to its output side. If this fails or no such inventory exists, the item is ejected into the world. Other item-handling blocks will perceive the Shunt as having a single inventory slot which is always open.

Powering the shunt with redstone will disable it and prevent it from accepting items.

Using the Pliers or another mod's wrenchlike item on a shunt will rotate it.


Blockstate PropertiesValuesDescription
facing{"down", "up", "north", "south", "west", "east"}Output direction


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