More Red


The Latch is a block with an internal state that toggles when one of its input sides receives power; the state of the latch determines which side must be supplied power to toggle it. The latch has two output sides, one of which (depending on the internal state) is emitting maximum-strength redstone power at any given time.

  1. Recipes
  2. Usage
  3. Data
  4. History


Recipe TypeIngredientsOutputExample
Shaped Crafting
  • 1x Latch

Shaped Crafting Recipe for Diodes

  • 1x Latch

Soldering Recipe for Latch


The Latch can be placed in 24 different orientations, on floors, walls, and ceilings.

When placing the block, the flat side will be placed against the face clicked by the player, and the output side will point to the edge of the clicked face nearest to where the player clicked. A transparent preview is rendered to assist with orienting the block; this can be disabled in the Client Config if this is undesired.

A preview of a Latch about to be placed against a wall with the output facing up

The latch has a primary output side, a secondary output side (opposite from the primary output side), and two input sides (oriented 90 and 270 degrees from the primary output side, designated Input A and Input C). When the primary output side is off, supplying redstone power to Input A will turn the primary output on. While the primary output side is off, supplying redstone power to Input C will turn the primary output off. The secondary output side is off while the primary output is on, and on while the primary output is off. The image below shows the changes in state to a latch whose primary output points north as its inputs change (clockwise from top left).

State transformations of a Latch


Blockstate PropertiesValuesDescription
facing{"down", "up", "north", "south", "west", "east"}Direction to the neighbor block the plate is attached to
rotation[0,3]Rotations about the axis of attachment in 90-degree increments
input_a{false, true}Whether the input side clockwise from the primary output is receiving power
input_c{false, true}Whether the input side counterclockwise from the primary output is receiving power
powered{false, true}Whether the primary output is powered (if false, then the opposite output is powered)
Tint IndexTint Value
1+See Logic Plate Tintindexes


1.16.3- Red recipes now use tag ingredients instead of specific items in more places to game