What are LightCharges?
Update 1.1.0 introduced a new way to trigger your light whenever you want (sort of).
This is done by using LightCharges, a concentrated form of light that you store inside yourself. You will even glow if you store enough of them! When you acquire a LightCharge an icon similar to the light active icon will appear, by default in the same place as well.
This icon, with the number of charges you currently have: , or with the number:
It will indicate that you have a number of possible Light Charge uses. When you want to activate your light, you simply press the same button you would use to activate your light (by default it's V) and the light ready icon will appear. From this point on, it's the same as if the light had triggered naturally.
But be ware! There are quite a few limitations and caveats:
- First of all, you will be able to store LightCharges only once you have triggered your light for the first time in a natural way
- Then, you can only store a fixed number of charges, the amount will depend, as usual, on a new light attribute uniquely determined thanks to your UUID. ("max_charges")
- Whenever you use a LightCharge your cooldown will be longer. And in the future, who knows, something may happen if you "abuse" this too much!
TODO put the player glowing when they have full light charges
How do I get Light Charges?
You have to obtain a new item called Bottled Light. Then, you can consume this bottle to add one light charge to your counter. The bottle will be consumed, and broken. This will also temporary put your light in a fatigued state, aka a cooldown half as long as your max cooldown.
To obtain this bottle there are two methods, which you can find in the Bottled Light page.
When can I use the LightCharges?
Whenever you want, as long as you are not affect by Light Fatigue and you are in area where lights can be used (see the page on compatibility with other mods).
If you try to use it anyway, an error sound effect will play and the icon will be come red for a second: