LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

lightwithin:particle/strength_light Strength light lightwithin:particle/strength_light

Possible Target Types: SELF, ALLIES, VARIANT

Trigger actions: Attacking, Ally getting attacked

BottledLight ingredient: minecraft:blaze_powder


  • SELF: Low Health, Very low Health, Low armor durability, Surrounded
  • ALLIES: Ally's low Health, Very low Health, Ally low armor durability, Surrounded
  • VARIANT: Same as SELF


  • SELF: When activated, the player will recive a Stregth status effect, with power and duration equal to the player's power multiplier and duration attributes. Particles of Strength light will spawn around the player.
  • ALLIES: When activated, any nearby allies with low health (or not, configurable in the config) will recive a Strength status effect, with power and duration equal to the player's power multiplier and duration attributes. The player will instead recive the same status effect but with the power reduced (configurable). Particles of Defence light will spawn around the player and allies.
  • VARIANT: When activated, the player will recive a Mining Speed status effect, meant to increase the attack speed, with power and duration equal to the player's power multiplier and duration attributes. Particles of Strength light will spawn around the player.
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A bit old Demo video