LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

Bottled Light

BottledLight lightwithin:item/bottled_light

This is a special item that will allow you to gain LightCharges. It can either be made in a "Natural" way, or an "Alchemist-explosive":

Natural way

The safer "Natural" method, in which whenever you have your light ready, you can use an empty bottle to right click the air and bottle up your light inside of it. The newly created Bottled Light item will only be usable by you alone, and not by other players. It is your unique light that has been bottled up after all!

Alchemical way

The more dangerous and complex, "Alchemist" method. You can brew some bottled light, and sort of distribute it to other players as well, but there are some risks and restrictions.

  1. First of all you will need to acquire some Luxintus Berry, and then crush it to obtain the powder using... a mixer? Nope, you will need to smash an anvil on top of the berry itself! You will need to drop the berry on the floor and let an anvil land on top of it. But be warned! There is 10% that the energy released by this process will be way too much to handle and result in an explosion! There is also a low chance that the powder will disappear, without blowing anything up. (Physics Tip: You can minimize your losses by minimizing the total energy released)
  2. Once you have the powder, you can put in a brewing stand along with an Experience Bottle (Bottled o' Enchanting or whatever its name is) to start brewing your BottledLight.
  3. Now you have your basic BottledLight, but don't try to use it yet! You will now need to add an ingredient corresponding to your LightType and one corresponding to your TargetType. You can try to guess the item, use a Luxmutua berry, or look it up on the wiki in the Light Types section. Same thing for the Target ingredient.
  4. Once this process is completed, you have obtained a usable BottledLight. A walk in park right? Well, be sure to only use the BottledLight crafted for your own LightType, otherwise, well... interesting reactions may occur... and they won't be pleasant! KABOOM!

Luxintus Berry powder

It is obtain by letting an anvil fall onto a Luxintus Berry. It can be used as a brewing ingredient as stated above!