LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

lightwithin:particle/earthen_light Earthen Light lightwithin:particle/earthen_light


Trigger actions: Getting attacked

BottledLight ingredient: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone


  • ENEMIES: Very low health, Allies low health, Surrounded, Earthen conditions
  • VARIANT: Ally's Low Health, Very low Health, Surrounded, Earthen conditions
  • SELF: Low Health, Very low Health, Surrounded, Earthen conditions
  • ALLIES: Ally's low Health, Very low Health, Surrounded, Earthen conditions

Earthen conditions:

  • Having 64 dirt blocks in the inventory (will be consumed)
  • Being near natural blocks, aka blocks that can be replaced by moss.


  • ENEMIES: When activated a deep ravine will appear beneath the enemies, with dripstone spikes that will do additinal fall damage. If many enemies are too close, it will spawn a single pit for all of them, still making sure that they will fall. The enemies will also get hit by suffocation damge, with the amount equal to the power multiplier. They will also be affected by Mining fatigue for a duration equal to the light's duration, and with the level equal to the power multiplier. Shaking and dirt particles will appwar around the player, along with Earthen Light particles.
  • VARIANT: When activated, an Earthen Golem will spawn nearby. This golem will attack any entity that the player attacks, or any entity that attacks the player (allies included!). If the player hits it, it does not respond. If anyone else does, it will. The golem will not despawn, and is weaker than an Iron Golem, despite being similar. It also doesn't despawn and can be repaired with obsidian. Does not drop anything. Except punches.
  • SELF: Depending on the power multiplier level, a different structure will spawn. If the power level is low (< 4), a small pillar with a small pit hole will appear around the player, who is then telported to the top of the pillar, securing a bit their position. If it's intermidiate (< 7) a big pillar will appear around the player, teleported again to the top. If it's high (>=7) a big pillar with a big circular hole will spawn, creating a very advantagious position for the player (as long as they don't fall). They will also recive the Sturdy Rock effect, making them more resistant to knockback. The level of the effect is the power multiplier. Particles will be spawned around the structure, and also Earthen Light particles will appear around the player.
  • ALLIES: A protective rock wall will appear around the caster and their allies. The rock wall will also have an escape tunnel if the power multiplier is high enough ( >4 currently ). The player and their allies will also recive the Sturdy Rock effect, making them more resistant to knockback. The level of the effect is the power multiplier, for the caster it is reduced (configurable). Particles will be spawned around the structure, and also Earthen Light particles will appear around the player and their allies.
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