Trigger config file
Filename: lightwithin_trigger_balancing.yml
Server side config which manages the trigger threshold and the weights of each condition of each light target and type. Here you can find a copy updated to 1.2.0:
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 3 | type= Integerversion:3#The threshold to reach in order to activate a light | default= 5 | type= Integertrigger_threshold:5#This config file lets you modify how the lights trigger. Be very careful if you really want to change this!#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integerheal_self_very_low_health:5#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerheal_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_self_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_self_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is poisoned | default= 3 | type= Integerheal_self_poisoned:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerheal_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_allies_ally_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies are poisoned | default= 2 | type= Integerheal_allies_ally_poisoned:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when passive mobs are in danger and on low health | default= 2 | type= Integerheal_variant_passive_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 2 | type= Integerheal_variant_very_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 2 | type= Integerheal_variant_ally_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when another entity has an harmful status effect (excludes the check for the caster) | default= 3 | type= Integerheal_variant_other_harmful_effect:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has an harmful status effect | default= 3 | type= Integerheal_variant_harmful_effect:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integerdefence_self_very_low_health:5#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 3 | type= Integerdefence_self_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerdefence_self_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerdefence_self_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerdefence_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integerdefence_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerdefence_allies_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerdefence_allies_ally_armor_durability:2#WARNING: This is the only check, so leave it equal to the TriggerThe contribution to the trigger threshold when passive mobs are in danger and on low health | default= 5 | type= Integerdefence_variant_passive_low_health:5#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integerstrength_self_variant_very_low_health:5#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 3 | type= Integerstrength_self_variant_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerstrength_self_variant_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerstrength_self_variant_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerstrength_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integerstrength_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerstrength_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerstrength_allies_ally_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integerblazing_all_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerblazing_all_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_all_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_all_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster being on fire | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_all_onfire:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the blazing light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerblazing_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 2 | type= Integerblazing_enemies_very_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_enemies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_all_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerblazing_enemies_ally_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster being on fire | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_enemies_onfire:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the blazing light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerblazing_enemies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerfrost_all_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerfrost_all_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_all_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_all_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_all_freezing:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerfrost_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_ally_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_ally_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_freezing:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerfrost_enemies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integerfrost_self_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerfrost_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerfrost_self_armor_durability:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_self_freezing:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerfrost_self_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerfrost_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_allies_ally_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_allies_freezing:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies being freezing | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_allies_ally_freezing:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerfrost_allies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerearthen_variant_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_variant_allies_low_healthy:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_variant_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the earthen light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_variant_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_enemies_ally_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerearthen_enemies_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_enemies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the earthen light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_enemies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_self_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerearthen_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerearthen_self_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_self_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerearthen_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerearthen_allies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerwind_all_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_all_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_all_falling:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a lot of blocks | default= 3 | type= Integerwind_all_falling_high:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerwind_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integerwind_self_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerwind_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_self_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_self_falling:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a lot of blocks | default= 3 | type= Integerwind_self_falling_high:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerwind_self_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integerwind_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies falling a few blocks | default= 2 | type= Integerwind_allies_ally_falling:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies falling a lot of blocks | default= 4 | type= Integerwind_allies_ally_falling_high:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 2 | type= Integerwind_allies_falling:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerwind_allies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integeraqua_all_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_all_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_all_ally_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_all_drowning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integeraqua_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes low health) | default= 3 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_ally_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_drowning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integeraqua_enemies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integeraqua_self_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integeraqua_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_self_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_self_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_self_drowning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integeraqua_self_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 4 | type= Integeraqua_allies_ally_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_allies_very_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_allies_surrounded:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_allies_ally_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_allies_drowning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies drowning | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_allies_ally_drowning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integeraqua_allies_conditions:3#The percent (0.0-100.0) of blocks around the player that need to be leaves | default= 70.0 | type= Doubleforest_aura_required_leaves_percent:70.0#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 1 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_ally_low_health:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has a lot of leaves around them | default= 1 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_leaves:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the forest aura light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerforest_aura_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 3 | type= Integerforest_aura_self_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerforest_aura_self_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerforest_aura_self_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has an harmful status effect | default= 1 | type= Integerforest_aura_self_harmful_effect:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the forest aura light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerforest_aura_self_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_armor_durability:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by currently haiving a rainy weather in the world | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_raining:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the thunder aura light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_ally_very_low_health:4#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on very low health | default= 2 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_ally_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is around/surrounded by many of its ALLIES. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_surrounded_by_allies:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES have recently been struck by a lightning | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_ally_struck_by_lightning:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by currently haiving a rainy weather in the world | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_raining:1#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the thunder aura light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerthunder_aura_allies_conditions:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 3 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_very_low_health:3#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_low_health:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_surrounded:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by currently haiving a rainy weather in the world | default= 2 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_raining:2#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the thunder aura light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_conditions:3