LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

lightwithin:particle/thunder_aura_light ThunderAura Light lightwithin:particle/thunder_aura_light

Possible Target Types: ALLIES, ALL, VARIANT

Trigger actions: Attacking, Ally dying, Getting Struck by lightning, Ally getting struck by lightning

BottledLight ingredient: minecraft:copper_ingot


  • ALLIES: Ally Low Health, Ally Very low Health, Low Health, Raining,Surrounded by Allies, Ally recently struck by lightning, ThunderAura conditions
  • ALL: Low Health, Very low Health, Low Armor, Raining, ThunderAura conditions
  • VARIANT: Low Health, Very low Health, Surrounded, Raining, ThunderAura conditions

ThunderAura conditions:

  • Thundery weather
  • Recently been struck by lightning (the last damage type taken must be from a lightning bolt)
  • Holding a ThunderAura item (by default, only a Lightning rod) (configurable using tags)
  • Standing on a ThunderAura block (by default, only a Lightning rod) (configurable using tags)


  • ALLIES: A spherical force field of electric particles will surround you and your allies. Aka the effect "ThunderAura" will be applied to you. When a non-ALLY entity comes into contact with this force filed it is bounced back and gets zapped by the shield. The higher the power level of the light, the higher will be the damage of the zap and the repulsive force. The shield scales with the dimensions of the entities. While under the effect of this force field the target (you or your allies) is immune to lightning damage.
  • ALL: When activated the caster will be able to summon a number of lightning bolts equal to their power level (or more, configurable in the main config file). To do this, the caster can point in a direction and right click to summon a lightning bolt at the targeted position.
  • VARIANT: When activated a (super) lightning storm will be summoned in the area around the caster. The weather will turn to thunder for the duration of the light and a number of lightnings equal to the light's power level will spawn each second (configurable). The AoE is 15 blocks+ the power level (configurable). A good number of these will spawn on land, but they can also spawn mid air.

When this light is active no damage from lightning bolts is taken by the caster.

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thunder1 thunder2