LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

lightwithin:particle/aqua_light Aqua Light lightwithin:particle/aqua_light

Possible Target Types: ENEMIES, ALL, ALLIES, SELF

Trigger actions: Attacking, Drowning, Ally dying, Ally getting attacked

BottledLight ingredient: minecraft:seagrass


  • ENEMIES: Low Health, Very low health, Ally low armor durability, Surrounded, Drowning, Aqua conditions
  • ALL: Very low Health, Ally low armor durability, Surrounded, Drowning, Aqua conditions
  • SELF: Low Health, Very low Health, Low armor durability, Surrounded, Drowning, Aqua conditions
  • ALLIES: Ally's low Health, Very low Health, Ally low armor durability, Drowning, Surrounded, Aqua conditions

Aqua conditions:

  • Being under the rain or in water
  • Being near of these blocks: WATER, WATER_CAULDRON, CONDUIT, WET_SPONGE

The blocks and items are configurable with tags!


  • ENEMIES: When activated, nearby enemies will be launched into the air by a water column summoned below them. The height of the column depends on the power multiplier, after it has reached maximu height it will disappear letting the enemy fall down. If the power multiplier is high enough (>=5) a trident will also spawn, hitting the enemy while they're getting pulled up by the water. If it is even higher (>=8) a Lightning bolt will also struck them. Particles of Aqua light will appear around the player.
  • ALL: When activated a number of Drowneds equal to the power multiplier will appear, and they will attack every entity that attacks the player, or that the player attacks. The player activating the light won't be targeted. The drowneds will be fitted with an turtle helmet and a chainmail chestplate, and a Trident. The chestplat also has the Protection enchatment, with a random value between 1 and 3. Other enchantments will be applied if the power multiplier is more than 5. The helment and chestplate would get Thors 1 or 2 (random), and the trident would get Channeling. By default the trident is also equipped with Impailing enchatment.
  • SELF: Upon activation a water carpet will appear under the player's feet, along with the possibility of moving very quickly on it thanks to the Dolphin's Grace and Conduit Power effects. The level of the effects is equal to the power multiplier. Particles of Aqua light will appear around the player.
  • ALLIES: Same as SELF, but will target allies as well! (The duration of the dolphin and conduit effects for the caster is reduced, configurable)
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